Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Discontented | Reflective | Detached | Unfulfilled | Contemplative
Image of Four of Cups tarot card

Overview & Symbolism

The Four of Cups depicts a figure sitting under a tree, arms crossed, gazing at three cups on the ground, seemingly ignoring a fourth cup being offered by a hand from a cloud. This card symbolizes contemplation, introspection, and perhaps even dissatisfaction with what is currently being offered in life. The hand from the cloud represents opportunities that are available but may be overlooked due to a focus on the past or present circumstances. It’s a card that reminds us to look beyond what we already know and be open to new possibilities.

Meaning of Four of Cups Card in Love & Relationships

In love, the Four of Cups often signals emotional withdrawal or discontent. You might be feeling dissatisfied in your relationship, even if everything looks fine on the surface. This card asks you to reflect on what’s missing and whether you’re fully open to love or possibly rejecting opportunities for connection due to past hurts. If you're single, it could indicate that you're too focused on past relationships to see new romantic opportunities.

Meaning of Four of Cups Card in Career & Work

When it comes to work, the Four of Cups suggests that you may feel bored or unfulfilled in your current role. You might be focused on what your job lacks, ignoring new opportunities for growth or advancement that are right in front of you. This card encourages you to take a step back and consider whether you’re missing out on career possibilities by being too focused on what’s not working.

Meaning of Four of Cups Card in Money & Finances

In finances, the Four of Cups warns against taking current stability for granted or failing to see new opportunities for growth. You may be fixated on what you don’t have, leading to a sense of lack or frustration. It’s a reminder to appreciate what you have and be open to fresh financial opportunities that could improve your situation.

Meaning of Four of Cups Card in Health & Wellness

For health and wellness, the Four of Cups suggests a need for emotional and mental balance. It can point to a sense of stagnation or low energy that’s keeping you from focusing on your well-being. It’s a gentle nudge to shift your mindset and become more open to healing methods you may have overlooked or dismissed.

Meaning of Four of Cups Card in Personal Growth

In personal growth, the Four of Cups is about reflection and reevaluation. You may be feeling stuck or uninspired, but this card encourages you to look inward to find the root of your discontent. Growth may come from recognizing what you’re ignoring in your life or opportunities you’ve turned a blind eye to.

Numerological Significance of Four of Cups Card

The number four in tarot is associated with stability and foundations, but in the case of the Four of Cups, it suggests a state of emotional stagnation. The number four represents security, but it can also indicate a reluctance to move out of a comfort zone. The challenge here is to break free from the rigid structures and routines that may be holding you back from emotional fulfillment.

Elemental Associations of Four of Cups Card

The Four of Cups is linked to the element of water, which represents emotions and intuition. Water’s flow can be blocked when one is focused too much on past disappointments or current limitations. This card asks you to realign with the fluidity of water—letting emotions flow and being receptive to new feelings, ideas, or opportunities.

Affirmations & Mantras for Four of Cups Card

  • "I open my heart to new opportunities and experiences."
  • "I release my attachment to what no longer serves me."
  • "I trust that new blessings are on their way."
  • "I am ready to move beyond past disappointments."
  • "I am open to the gifts that life is offering me right now."